jueves, febrero 22, 2007

Electric orgasm

"Barbarella" (Jane Fonda) is one of the cult movies where humour, science fiction, fantasy and erotic world is mixed together in equal parts.
I found this moment when she's captured and put her inside this machine. Music has been changed in order to increase the sensual sensation.
Jane Fonda is a very "pretty pretty girl" .

6 comentarios:

david santos dijo...

Bello! Muy bello!

Gonzalo Villar Bordones dijo...

cine y placer, casi siempre van de la mano.

Vlad Return dijo...

I am agree in many things with you, Jane Fonda is a very sexy girls in that movie and that is one of the most weir and funny movies that ever seen, is just amazing. I glad that you like it is well
As you can notice, I made my blog private, well I really like invite you , but I don’t have you e-mail if you, if you want to join me just give your e-mail

Kisses and a little bite

Irene dijo...

Hi david, hola david, gracias a vos, thanks to you

gonzalo I will start soon with movies and pleasure. Empezaré pronto a poner cosas relacionadas con cine y erotismo.

vlad, you can send me an invitation to only4uprecioso@hotmail.com
Many thanks

Seoman dijo...

Es tan maravillosa mujer, aunque no me extraña con los padres que tuvo. Electrico el orgasmo es verdad.

Irene dijo...

thanks seoman

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