viernes, enero 12, 2007

Rihanna SOS

This is the typical video where a girl move herself an contorsion her body in sensual ways to appear the most sexual woman in the world. That's the way to sell music in XXI century, but I recognize sometimes I like it. This kind of female singers we call "Divas", maybe because of her big selfestime. ¿Do I do that if I was a singer? that's a good question.
Sometimes I feel like a feminist and think women don't need this to achieve success,they don't need to sell themselves as sexual objects,dressed with a miniskirt and a mini T-shirt, but sometimes i feel that it's only a kind of art and that they don't hurt anyone making this. It's a pleasure for the eyes :P To scape from prejudices and puritanism sometimes is complicated. Miseducation is necessary. Also if men singers could express the same way in videos they will collect fans and success the same. Maybe if I was a singer man I will be "The voice and the Body" hehe

3 comentarios:

A-X dijo...

Dios mío... que bien escribe esta piba...!!! Y en inglés!!

(nota mental... no soy el único que cree que escribe bien)

Increíble post, un delicioso blog.

Pásate por casa cuando quieras.. hay mate!!


david santos dijo...

Irene, yo hablo bien espanhol, pero nólo escribo. Contodo, ha percebido que tu trabajo es muy bueno. Increible.
Gracias y hasta siempre.

Irene dijo...

gracias a-x, thanks a lot. I'll visit you, me pasaré ;)

Hello david, hola !!
Thanks for your words,I'm trying to do it well. I'll visit your blog soon.

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