martes, abril 17, 2007

playing with food - 9 1/2 weeks scene

I still remember when that movie come up at the cinema. I was very young but i heard lot about that movie. People said was a very heavy film. (They should see some movies in our decade) Miky Rourke was considered as an erotic symbol and so does the actress. He played in another erotic film "Savage orquiede". In that film there are two famous scenes: The streptease and this part.
Then a lot of people wanted to do the same and make some experiments with food and eyes closed.

10 comentarios:

Andrés dijo...

Yo no soy Mickey Rourke

(y me tienta decir "soy asturiano")

Yo no soy Mickey Rourke, pero me hubiera encantado serlo.

Lindo recuerdo. Precioso blog

Irene dijo...

Gracias Andy

Vlad Return dijo...

Have you tried to do some “nice” things like that movie? Well I did some of theses, and I can tell you play with food is not very nice, I prefer another game, like cover your eyes and breath on your skin when you can’t see me. And then probably a small bite

Jorge dijo...

¿Y no se te ha ocurrido publicar en francés? ;-) Ahora ya no puedo visitarte en tu otra casa...:-(

Besito en cualquier caso.

Irene dijo...

hi vlad,I like the games you play. I agree that playing with food is no so exciting as it seems (with exceptions).Making love with eyes closed all the time is a great experience, even a small bite sometimes ;=)

platinum, es que sé muy poquito francés :_( Me gustaría convertir este blog en un blog multilingüe, así que intentaré ir cambiando de idioma. Intentaré en francés pero no prometo nada.
Je vais faire moin blog en français, me je ne le parle pas e moins êcrire,ne peux pas faire de promis. (No, qué chungo...mejor dejarlo)

zendal dijo...

Uis, que eróticas suenan tus letras en francés. ;D

Irene dijo...

zendal, what can i say to that? loool

Athos dijo...

No había reparado en este blog
Y además multilenguaje!!!

Looks very nice and... so exciting!
I really like elegant eroticism
Ufff, tengo que practicar.
Pues eso, que me gusta el toque fino y sutíl que le has dado al tema.

Batsi dijo...

Uffff, que video tan calientito

Irene dijo...

hi athos!! Este pasará a ser un blog multilenguaje (this will become a multilingual blog), intento hacer eso que dices con este blog, espero haberlo conseguido. (I'm trying to do what you say with this blog, I wish I have get it.)

hi batsi :P

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