martes, abril 17, 2007

Other places

On the sofa

on the chair

in the car

in the swimming pool

or wherever...

A lot of movies, books and photos gives us the "great idea" to make love in different spaces, even in public spaces but if you like intimacy and confort, believe me...¡nothing like a bed!

2 comentarios:

Vlad Return dijo...

Very nice pictures, you have a good recourse for get that, some of my fantasies is take pictures like those, I have done it a couple of time, but he problem with fantasies is when you are living it, you can’t enjoy it as you speciation was, or you never feel like you enjoyed it enough

We are trapped is tide skin

Irene dijo...

Yes, the power of mind is high, also looking at that kind of images. I like to choose images that inspires me but I wouldn't like to be in that photos, but to make them. Maybe I'm a little voyeur :_)

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