martes, marzo 13, 2007

Man in the kitchen.

Bored of looking at pin-up posters with naked girls in the most funny places and doing different things? Men should model more photos like this.
I have collected in my sensualparty blog photos of naked men ironing or using the washing machine and now is the turn for cooking. I hope to find more curious pictures like that.
What do you think, ladies? I'd never could thow him away far from the kitchen, be sure that men can cook something hot ;)
Im joking, I'm the kind of girl who thinks that men and women we all are identical human beings, with same rights. My feminism is actually "equalism". That's why I enjoy with this photos of nake men doing the housework. More men don't do housework, with or without clothes.
I'd like to get into the kitchen and have a nice surprise like this. LoL!

2 comentarios:

Vlad Return dijo...

I cook frequently, actually I enjoy to do it, but you know cooking in that way, could be risky cos’ if you enter in the kitchen, well the meal never gonna be ready

Irene dijo...

hehehe, that's true
I should resist the temptation :P

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