miércoles, agosto 29, 2007
At "Sliver", the man (Steven Baldwin) asks the woman (Sharon Stone) to show him her pants, and she accepts challenge from him.
He thought she couldn't dare, but finally the woman is the winner of the night.
If your bed partner could you suggest you to play an erotic or morbous game ¿How far you would go? ¿You would accept? ¿Who do you think will win? ¿Are you competitive?
You don't need to answer in the blog, but you could answer to yourself.
Me había olvidado de cambiar los idiomas de vez en cuando, traducir y todo eso...
Bueno, tema del día basado en un momento erótico de cine.
En "Acosada", el hombre (Steven Baldwin)le pide a la mujer (Sharon Stone) que le enseñe su ropa interior y ella acepta el reto.
El pensó que ella no se atrevería, pero finalmente la mujer es la ganadora de la noche.
Si vuestro compañero de cama os sugiriera jugar un juego erótico o morboso ¿Hasta dónde llegaríais? ¿Aceptaríais? ¿Sois competitivos?
No necesitáis contestar en el blog, pero podríais contestaros a vosotros mismos.
lunes, agosto 13, 2007
The missing book

That was the color of her soul, because she had no hopes, no dreams at all. Her heart was empty.

She asked herself if love truly existed...But no one answer her question. Althought she believed in life, and started looking for happiness. And she go outside herself.

She used to be alone, but at first she didn't care. She was acostumed to it.

..But as day passed by she realized all was still the same.

..since one day she started to see things completely different around her. "Why life seems more beautiful today?"

She asked her reflexion, but he rested in silence.

She looked in the magic mirror and it gives her no response.

Was Cupid guilty of this happening? She wondered.

Nobody knows what happened that day at the window.
But life started growing in the dessert fields.

Her soul came into the light. She had hopes and dreams again, she started to believe in love and tenderness.
So she celebrated her life, and desire, and lust and...What's the end of that story?

Do you really wanna know?

Oh I'm terribly sorry, I have lost the second part of the Saga.
You should imagine the rest...maybe they lived together forever after or maybe not... but something is clear in that story: Love can change your life. Bye!!

She looked in the magic mirror and it gives her no response.

Was Cupid guilty of this happening? She wondered.

Nobody knows what happened that day at the window.

Her soul came into the light. She had hopes and dreams again, she started to believe in love and tenderness.

Do you really wanna know?

Oh I'm terribly sorry, I have lost the second part of the Saga.
You should imagine the rest...maybe they lived together forever after or maybe not... but something is clear in that story: Love can change your life. Bye!!
sábado, agosto 11, 2007
Under my umbrella
jueves, agosto 02, 2007
Hot summer
I know this is not really a good video or a great music but I haven't found anything better to send my message and it's quite funny anyway.
The message is: This is a fucking hot summer, I have ended my work, I'm on holidays and I will have fun wherever but not in front of my PC. See you on September and I send you a kiss ;)
Sé que no es realmente un buen video o una gran música pero no he encontrado nada mejor para enviar mi mensaje y es bastante divertido de todas formas.
El mensaje es:
Este es un jodido verano caluroso, he acabado mi trabajo, estoy de vacaciones y me lo pasaré bien donde sea, pero no frente a mi PC. Os veo en Septiembre y envío un beso.
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