martes, abril 17, 2007
playing with food - 9 1/2 weeks scene
I still remember when that movie come up at the cinema. I was very young but i heard lot about that movie. People said was a very heavy film. (They should see some movies in our decade) Miky Rourke was considered as an erotic symbol and so does the actress. He played in another erotic film "Savage orquiede". In that film there are two famous scenes: The streptease and this part.
Then a lot of people wanted to do the same and make some experiments with food and eyes closed.
Chained for one night

I think this kind of games are only available if you really trust each other and you know him/her well. Playing this games with a stranger could be dangerous if you are the "victim". Maybe the excitement of risk is what some people like to feel because if they chain their partner is a little boring or just funny and maybe (she/he) will think they're nuts. Lol!
Upside down

Today I feel my bed empty. Lots of years together but today is the first night he's sleeping away from me. His job demands him a little travel to Madrid. Only for two nights...Two nights when the world will feel so strange to me, when nothing seems to feet and I'm upside down.
I guess is my fault because I travelled two times without him.
I hear my coacher's voice saying:
-Girl, you have to acostume to freedom, you both sometimes need to fly.-
And I say:
-Yeah, but that's nothing to do with missing him at night. Can't touch his skin or his hair. Can't give him a kiss. I didn't missed him when I was travelling with friends, but tonight I must sleep... alone-

martes, abril 10, 2007
What an hetero girl likes (and gay men too)

This is the photo choosen but a blogger girl this days, India Ning. She moved a real revolution between females. Two many broken hearts... Lol!
I wanna share with them the guy with the same photography in color.
¡Enjoy it!
In a mess

I'm in a mess. Confussion in my head, divided in two.
When I started this blog, my coacher suggested me to do it because of these reasons:
a)To practise my english. I force myself to write in a language I was forgetting and this helps me to find or remember lost vocabulary.
But sometimes I'd like to expand this blog to other languages, and now i don't know if i must do a multilingual blog (what means catalan, english, french, italian, spanish and maybe portuguese) that becames a lot of extra work and extra time. At least in spanish, but if i do that maybe i'll relax myself with the english practise.
b) To explore sensuality and the things i like. I chose sensual things and not sexual because there are a lot of sexual blogs of explicit content. I'm not against this blogs and sometimes I have readen heavy posts and visited heavy blogs but I wanted to do something different.
But now sometimes I found that i censure myself. For example: Nude people never show their "private parts" in this blog. Maybe is suggestive in extreme, maybe is so naïve.
¿Where is that i'm going and where do I wanna go? I feel a little confussion inside.
¿I wanna just talk? ¿I wanna find some excitement? ¿I wanna receive visits and comments or not? And if not...¿Why i make this public and registered in technorati? ¿What Im afraid of?
¿Why i'm too shy with sex? ¿Is it so important to me what people may think about me if they discover my sexual and sensual likes and dislikes? ¿Why are these themes so intimate always?
I need to analize my feelings with this blog deeply. For me is hard to continue this blog without knowing if I want to relax my limits but I'll keep on writing.
Sexual topics. ¿Real or not?

I have always loved images like this. The man highs the woman to the top, with his powerful muscles and makes love to her holding her. The women's feet never touch the floor during the act.
And both feel themselves comfortable in that irregular and vertical position.
Now I have this "more difficult" picture. ¿Is this man doing a cunilinguus to the woman? I can't believe that. Maybe girls with overweight, we have to be in a diet in order to experiment this. Maybe it's just an illusion, a fantasy of our morbouse brains.
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