I like japanese comics very much and also anime, but i don't like hentai. Maybe because is explicit porn and i prefer erotism in art. I like much beautiful girls drawed like this.
-Caperu, where are you going dressed like this?- Said the hungry wolf. -Wolf, I'm going to my grandmother's house.- -Don't you lie- -I'm saying the truth. I'm carrying a cake an a honey pot inside this nest. Do you see it?- -Yes, young lady. I'll join you in your way there. Someone must protect from the savage animals of the forest. (I'll eat this stuff and then I'll eat you. The old woman is not nice to my taste) -Wolf, are you a good guy?- -Of course I am.- And Caperu, dressed in red, trusted the Wolf and it eated her without guilty.
Why is it that in the news we always read the ads and they usually demand female secretaries? Men can do it as better as women do. That's unfair for men, if they want to work in the same kind of job as women, Why not? If I was a female ejecutive agressive probably I'll contract a man like the picture one. LoL!
I I was a man and a lot of beautiful girls would try to seduce me at the same time, probably I felt into temptation.
...But If more than two men wanted to seduce me at the same time (utopic fantasy)I'll react with fear, I'm too shy to take advantage of this hipotetic situation. I think that monogamy could be a waiser election, a step beyond, an evolutioned phase in human being's relations, but I'm not sure.
Elements part III. We already have played with fire and ice. Le'ts play with clay cause it's good for our skin. And maybe we can play with rain, air and flowers later. This is a very sensual picture.
Football players have been naked themselfs for a good thing: They have left her bodies been photographed by the camera of Elisabetta Catalano to make a benefic calendar witch has it showned by the first time at Milan. All the wins will be donated to an Italian Investigation to fight against the cancer.
Movies sometimes contains little pieces of sensuality, art of...if your prefer, a little bizarre taste, like this fetish and SDM scene when Tarantino must drink alcohol from the foot of the dancer.
I will look for the most erotic scenes from the seventh art.
Bored of looking at pin-up posters with naked girls in the most funny places and doing different things? Men should model more photos like this. I have collected in my sensualparty blog photos of naked men ironing or using the washing machine and now is the turn for cooking. I hope to find more curious pictures like that. What do you think, ladies? I'd never could thow him away far from the kitchen, be sure that men can cook something hot ;) Im joking, I'm the kind of girl who thinks that men and women we all are identical human beings, with same rights. My feminism is actually "equalism". That's why I enjoy with this photos of nake men doing the housework. More men don't do housework, with or without clothes. I'd like to get into the kitchen and have a nice surprise like this. LoL!