miércoles, agosto 29, 2007


At "Sliver", the man (Steven Baldwin) asks the woman (Sharon Stone) to show him her pants, and she accepts challenge from him.
He thought she couldn't dare, but finally the woman is the winner of the night.
If your bed partner could you suggest you to play an erotic or morbous game ¿How far you would go? ¿You would accept? ¿Who do you think will win? ¿Are you competitive?
You don't need to answer in the blog, but you could answer to yourself.

Me había olvidado de cambiar los idiomas de vez en cuando, traducir y todo eso...
Bueno, tema del día basado en un momento erótico de cine.

En "Acosada", el hombre (Steven Baldwin)le pide a la mujer (Sharon Stone) que le enseñe su ropa interior y ella acepta el reto.
El pensó que ella no se atrevería, pero finalmente la mujer es la ganadora de la noche.
Si vuestro compañero de cama os sugiriera jugar un juego erótico o morboso ¿Hasta dónde llegaríais? ¿Aceptaríais? ¿Sois competitivos?
No necesitáis contestar en el blog, pero podríais contestaros a vosotros mismos.

Too hot to handle

Temperature raises again.

Too hot in the city. I'm going to the country.

That's better!


A piece of breeze at last!


And she imagined he was undressing her.

They should be together

Life is unfair. Shall they meet someday?

Burning inside

I wanna run naked in a rainstorm
Make love in a train cross-country
You put this in me
So now what, so now what?

Thinking of you

I don't wanna do the housework...

I don't wanna play games either.

I need your kisses but I'm alone with my cat.

How I wish you were here with me.


Now I know paradise is here on earth.
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